You will probably have many questions during your pregnancy about the care that we provide, about what’s happening to your body, and about things that may affect your pregnancy.
You can find the answers to some common questions below. If you can’t find the answers below, you can call us on 9416 1205
What are the costs for Obstetric care?
You will receive three accounts during your pregnancy care with Dr John Negri:
- one after your first visit and scan
- one after your 20 week visit
- one after your 28 week visit
- one after your 6 week postnatal appointment
Medicare will rebate some costs, but there is an out-of-pocket component.
All other antenatal visits (outpatient and inpatient), ultrasound scans performed by Dr Negri, and the delivery fee are billed directly to Medicare and your private health fund.
If you don’t have private insurance or the policy you hold does not cover obstetrics there will be additional out of pocket costs.
Please call reception on 9416 1205 and Jenny will be happy to speak with you about fees.
Can I be seen by Dr Negri if I don't have private insurance?
Yes, however the fee the hospital would charge a patient’s private health fund would have to be paid by you. Call Jenny on 9416 1205 and she will be happy to guide you through this
How often am I seen during my pregnancy?
There is no limit on the number of antenatal or postnatal consultations. The usual schedule of antenatal visits is as follows:
- first visit between 8–10 weeks gestation
- every 4 weeks until 28 weeks gestation
- every 2 weeks until 36 weeks gestation
- every week until delivery
- postnatal visit at 6-8 weeks after delivery.
You are welcome to make additional appointments if you have any concerns. You are able to contact us during business hours for any questions that cannot wait until your next appointment.
What tests will I have during my pregnancy?
The following tests make up the routine screen and may have already been ordered by your referring doctor. If not Dr Negri will order them at your first visit:
- Antenatal screening blood tests: full blood count, Ferritin, Blood group and antibodies, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, rubella, HIV and urine testing.
- Additional tests may include: Thyroid function testing, ferritin, vitamin D, varicella immunity (chicken pox), parvovirus immunity.
- Ultrasound scan to confirm your due date
- Free fetal DNA testing for Down syndrome.
- Discussion and possible genetic carrier screen testing
We conduct the following tests at 20–22 weeks:
- An ultrasound scan of the baby to check its growth, to look for any abnormalities of its development and to identify the placental position.
We conduct the following tests at 26–28 weeks:
- Gestational diabetes screening
- FBC and blood group /antibodies.
- Ferritin levels
We conduct the following tests at 36 weeks:
- FBC and blood group /antibodies
- Screening for group B strep by vaginal swab.
We conduct the following investigations and interventions as necessary:
- Referred third trimester ultrasound if there are concerns about fetal growth or if the pregnancy is considered high risk
How often will I have ultrasounds?
- A dating scan is performed at your first visit with Dr Negri
- A first trimester scan at 12-14 weeks
- A second trimester scan at 20-22 weeks.
Dr Negri does not perform diagnostic imaging, but can check the baby’s heart rate, movements and amniotic fluid with a bedside scan. If he is concerned about the baby’s growth, are high risk, or develop a medical problem during the pregnancy he will refer you to one of the COGU led ultrasound services.
Should I take folic acid?
The current recommendations are that all women who are planning to become pregnant should take 0.5mg of folate daily for at least a month before falling pregnant and continue this for at least the first 13 weeks of pregnancy.
If you were not already taking folic acid before you became pregnant, you should start as soon as possible.
What foods should I avoid?
Foods such as unpasteurised cheeses, unwashed vegetables, processed meats (unless cooked) and raw or smoked seafood may rarely contain the bacteria listeria.
Reheated food should be reheated to boiling point.
Coffee and tea can be taken in small amounts during pregnancy.
It appears one cup of coffee a day poses no significant risk to pregnancy. Click Here for more information.
Can I exercise in pregnancy?
Exercise during pregnancy is beneficial and encouraged. Most women can safely maintain their pre-pregnancy level of exercise, although they may tire more easily.
Experts recommend 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day during pregnancy.
Women with complicated pregnancies or a serious medical condition, or those who exercise at the elite athlete level, may need to modify their program.
As a general rule, contact sports are best avoided.
There are a range of pregnancy-specific exercise programs available – e.g. Preggi Bellies, Aquamums, and Pilates and Yoga classes. Click Here for more information.
Can I travel in pregnancy?
Travel and flying in pregnancy are generally safe and not restricted for medical reasons at any gestation.
However, when planning holidays we suggest you check with your airline for any restrictions they impose on flying before you book.
There may be additional precautions according to your circumstances that you should discuss with Dr Negri. Click Here for more information.
What if I have a cat?
Toxoplasmosis is a parasite that can be excreted in cat faeces and is potentially harmful in pregnancy.
To reduce the risks of infection, avoid handling cat litter during pregnancy or use gloves and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.
You should also use gloves while gardening and wash your hands thoroughly when you’re finished. Raw meat can also contain the toxoplasmosis parasite and should be avoided.